Eyes on Pharmaceutical Supply Chain

In the history of human civilizations, infectious disease has flourished since the horrendous Black Death that travelled from Asia and hit Europe in 1347, it took 200 million lives in four years. Over the recent two decades, we witness other epidemics and pandemics such as SARS, H1N1, Ebola, Zika, whereby some of them are still

Mega Fortris’ Role in Securing Democratic Process

The coronavirus has had an impact on most, if not all, industries everywhere on our globe. Many businesses are hit hard, and only a few are thriving. As a supplier to multiple industries, Mega Fortris has been affected, and our agility and robustness are being tested. But regardless of what is happening in the world,

The Critical Need for Logistics Security to Prevent Significant Financial Loss

Despite global lockdowns that restrict the movement of vehicles and people, cargo theft has been on the rise since the pandemic broke out. These cargo thefts have not been limited to a particular region. Rather, it is a global problem that is putting businesses at risk at any point in the supply chain.  During the

World Food Day – Food Safety & Traceability in the Food Supply Chain

“The COVID-19 global health crisis has been a time to reflect on things we truly cherish and our most basic needs. These uncertain times have made many of us rekindle our appreciation for a thing that some take for granted and many go without: food.” – Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). 

Security seals from the perspective of academics and why are they important?

Why is security seal important? Security seals in the eyes of academicians. Among the most fundamental skills of a business owner is the ability to identify profitable investment opportunities. It is not uncommon that business owners today prioritize financial returns rather than the intangible and long term investment returns. The natural instinct of any business

Green Shipping with IoT and Real-time Monitoring

By MOST|October 28th, 2019|Real-Time Monitoring, Sustainability As worldwide use for shipping and transportation progress rapidly, so do the environmental impact. According the global management consulting firm McKinsey & Company, “The typical consumer company’s supply chain creates far greater social and environmental costs than its own operations, accounting for more than 80 percent of greenhouse-gas emissions and more than 90

Mega Fortris Hungary Security Forum

Hungarian Security Forum  The importance of the role of Security Forums and conferences cannot be underestimated, especially when organised and managed effectively. It can provide a professional and constructive environment whereby critical areas and topics can be discussed, evaluated and addressed with the view of developing common approaches for improvements/development. It was a combination of

Tamper Evident Vehicle Key Bags to Prevent Cross-Contamination

As we continue to battle against the pandemic which has impacted all business operations / Industries, it is becoming ever more vital to adapt to changes in procedures to ensure the safety of employees and customers. During these unprecedented times, we have been working with many organisations to develop new safety products to provide an

Tag, Scan & Repeat: The Simplicity and Added Value of Traceability

Whenever the topic of traceability in the supply chain comes up, many often perceive it as tracking the logistics of deliveries and shipments. However, in light of Industry Transformation 4.0, traceability in the supply chain has evolved beyond the basic tracking mechanisms of physical cargo or items in transit. Traceability is now about providing a