Mega Fortris seals are designed to be unique.

Mega Fortris seals stand out for their distinctive and recognizable design, a vital attribute in an industry where imitation and replication of original designs are rampant. The core value of a security seal is its integrity; it must be impervious to tampering or substitution without evident signs of interference. Yet, the challenge of differentiating genuine seals from counterfeit versions has made it increasingly straightforward for perpetrators to replace authentic seals with fakes.

What distinguishes Mega Fortris Group from other seal manufacturers is our innovative approach to design. We invest heavily in creating unique seal designs, often employing specialized machinery that sets a high barrier for those looking to mimic our products. Our commitment to design innovation keeps us leagues ahead of the competition, a principle we’ve maintained since launching our flagship bolt seal, the Klicker. Despite the Klicker becoming one of the most replicated bolt seals in the market, we continued to innovate, introducing the Klicker 2K – the first bolt seal to feature a dual-color mould. This relentless pursuit of innovation is how we ensure the continued security and integrity of our customers’ supply chains.

Taking evolution one step further, Mega Fortris Group, who has always been committed to developing products that support a sustainable environment and to contribute to a better future, lead the way in offering eco-friendly products to our customers, partnering with them to minimise plastic waste. Our commitment to sustainability is evident in our installation of solar panels for renewable energy, as well as our practice of recycling raw materials, surplus items, runners, and recycled plastics in our manufacturing processes.

To provide eco-conscious solutions on a wide array of applications, all Mega Fortris’ security seal product lines with plastic content will include the BioSphere bio-additive from 13 May 2024, comprehensively securing the global supply chain while reducing our footprint.


Innovative seal designs play a crucial role in preventing unauthorized replacements with counterfeit seals.

The Challenge: It’s wise to search for seal designs online that closely resemble your company’s seals. In this scenario, finding numerous similar designs is a disadvantage. Encountering many imitations suggests the need for a more distinctive design.

Mega Fortris stands out by not offering blank seals for sale.

Unique in the industry, Mega Fortris is potentially the sole seal manufacturer that refrains from selling unmarked seals to external entities.

The risk associated with blank seals is significant; in the wrong hands, they can be easily modified to mimic any specific seal design, simply by changing their appearance. With the availability of compact laser engraving machines for under $1000, a blank seal can be transformed into an exact replica of an authentic marked seal within minutes. The common practice among most seal manufacturers of selling blank seals jeopardizes the security of their customers’ supply chains.

Evaluating Your Manufacturer: Try placing an order for blank seals as a test. If a manufacturer is willing to sell them to you, they’re likely to sell them to anyone, including potential thieves targeting your products. This should be a clear signal to seek a more secure and reliable seal provider.


A seal manufacturer that does not securely manage their unmarked seals compromises the security of their customers’ supply chains.

The Challenge: Evaluate your seal provider’s practices by requesting blank seals. If they agree to sell these to you, they’re likely to sell them to anyone, including those aiming to compromise your products. This is a clear indicator that it’s time to switch to a more dependable seal manufacturer.

Mega Fortris specializes in creating seals that are both tamper-resistant and tamper-evident.

Proudly, all Mega Fortris seals are crafted by a dedicated team of seal specialists. Our commitment to innovation and security is unwavering, much like a dedicated programmer tirelessly updates an antivirus system to counteract new threats. This analogy underscores our continuous effort to refine and enhance our seals, ensuring they stand up against sophisticated tampering techniques around the clock. While designing an effective security seal may not seem as complex, engineering a seal that consistently thwarts unauthorized access and visibly indicates tampering requires intricate expertise.

In the transport and logistics sector, security seals are often the last line of defence against theft. A simple security seal, priced as little as $0.50, might be all that stands between a thief and a shipment of valuable electronics. Thieves looking to bypass these seals without leaving visible signs of tampering must overcome the seal’s design features. With the incentive of high returns, instructional guides on defeating such security measures are unfortunately accessible online.

Therefore, it’s imperative for a seal manufacturer to integrate a comprehensive suite of tamper-resistant features to deter illicit access, alongside tamper-evident characteristics that clearly reveal any tampering attempts. This dual approach ensures that any interference with the seal is immediately noticeable during routine inspections, a critical component of effective seal protocols.


An effective security seal should feature both tamper-resistant and tamper-evident attributes to promptly notify users of any unauthorized attempts at access.

The Challenge: Encourage your team to attempt to bypass the security seals currently in use by your company. Provide them with a few samples of the seals, direct them to research techniques online, allocate a few hours for the challenge, and consider offering a reward for successful attempts.

Mega Fortris designs and produces all seal moulds within our facilities.

Our in-house tooling department is the foundation of our operation. Distinctively, we take pride in keeping the design, upkeep, and repair of our moulds internal. These moulds are pivotal to our product quality and consistency, ensuring every aspect of production remains under our direct oversight. While the norm in the industry might lean towards outsourcing mould production due to its complex and expensive nature, we stand by the belief that full control over our moulds is essential. This control is crucial, as it directly impacts our ability to manage how our products are introduced and distributed in the market.

Mega Fortris oversees the entire manufacturing process of our seals on-site.

Our commitment to providing products and services that deliver genuine value distinguishes Mega Fortris from other manufacturers. We are dedicated to a unique approach, not just meeting but surpassing our customers’ expectations, highlighting our distinct difference in the market.