Generic STEB A5

Tamper-evident bags in Mega Fortris are available in a wide range of selection for different requirements. The user-friendly bags are made of recyclable plastic material and are structured to withstand rough handling while being delicate enough to trigger tell-tale tampering signs. Customisations of sizes and specifications are achievable for various applications; subject to volume.


1. Tamper-Evident Bags (TE Bags) are constructed with high-impact recyclable plastic materials for durability and intricacy for rough handling and clear signs of tampering.
2. The bags feature self-adhesive strips that come with clear sealing directives and printings on the edges to prevent deliberate damages on the bags.
3. Irreversible identifiers such as name, logo, barcode, serial number and QR code are printed on the body with a matching receipt for further identification purposes.
4. A matte white panel on the bags allows for handwritten identifiers and details with normal ballpoint pens or permanent marker pens.
5. An innovative breathable TE Bag is available for collection and storage of biological samples as it prevents certain factors that contribute to the growth of microorganisms.
6. Security Tapes are resistant to heat, cold, saliva, and solvents.
7. The new invisible UV ink security feature serves as an anti-counterfeit for our security tamper-evident bags. It is a feature available in addition to our current security features.

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